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חדשות האולפן

Jul. 26, 2008

Started to re-structure the whole site. Separating Hebrew 101 from the real lessons. Removing all the nikkud from the pages; it appears, if you do not have Hebrew right-to-left support turned on in your Windows settings, it will all messed up on the display. So, let's stick to the pictures.

Oct. 22, 2007

Intro, Transliteration, About, Alphabet, and Lesson 1 pages are done. Diacritics page is half-done. Augh... :)

Oct. 07, 2007

Nah, this Google translator is horrible. :( I'd better do it all myself, even if it takes time.

photo from 25.10.2001.

Sep. 05, 2007

First draft of Ulpan in English. Google translator did a decent part of the job, and I reviewed it myself, fixing most obvious idiomatic mistakes... However, my English is still far from perfect, I'll definitely find native English speakers to double check it. Volunteers are always more than welcome!

photo from 25.10.2001.

  This is how I started this site (the original version was in Russian, as the primary target audience was Soviet Jewish immigrants in  Israel.) Today I can't believe we had only one PC at home, and I used my Palm to type the lessons... Gosh, I hardly can count both desktop PCs and laptops in my house now! :)))


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